October 30, 2014

Tasmania | Dove Lake

I was pretty bummed about the weather this day as it was something I had been looking forward to the most on our trip to Tasmania. This is where we were supposed to see Cradle Mountain, but we basically saw cloud instead (not the first time we've managed to do this!) - aside from my disappointment, it was still a view you can't complain about, in the patches where the rain stopped, everything was golden, and we sat and watched the yellows and greys, the choppy Dove Lake, spotted patches of snow and daring hikers on the mountains. We were going to take the 2 hours walk around the lake, but all I can say is, better luck next time. I'm sure one day I will be back again.


  1. I wondered where these were taken when I saw them higher up on your blog feed! You could pretend you were in like Scotland or something. I love that Tasmania can be so beautiful! My parents always go there on little getaways because it's like another world just a few hours away. :)

    1. Oh yeah you're right! I never thought that before now. Tasmania is gorgeous, I recommend it to anyone (just make sure you're good with driving windy roads!) I'll be back one day too.
