Last night we had a storm, and it was spectacular. A brilliant orange covered the sky like a fire burning angrily in the distance; but the anger was in the sky. Flash after flash. Deep rumbling. Surreal, other-worldly sensations vibrating at their highest possible intensity. Incredible.
February 16, 2015
Thank You, Sky Gods
February 13, 2015
The Best Way to See Tasmania
If you ever plan on visiting Tasmania - which you should! - I can't recommend bringing your or at least a car, enough. Completely and utterly the best thing. And unless you are hiring from the airport - which means you can't bring all the camping and fishing gear you want (plus, baggage weight restrictions...) - the only good way to start a road trip of this magical state of Australia is on the Spirit of Tasmania.
Drive on from Port Melbourne, drive off at Devonport and you're on your way. Changing scenery, winding roads, wildlife and feelings of gratitude and awe are abundant!
My small but biggest secret for making the most of your overnight trip on the Spirit - wake up before dawn, explore the decks, go outside, and watch the sun rise from well below the horizon. Wandering the ship in the early morning light and air is the most gorgeous sight and sensation. Plus, if you're up and ready to go, you won't see any likely bathroom rush when the wake-up announcement comes on (we stayed in the recliner seat section which faces the back of the ship).

There are enough things on board to occupy your evening, here are a couple of things I did:
01 | Take advantage of the tourist info shop, there's plenty of pamphlets to more than likely get you all the way around Tassie, plus they sell National Park passes here, get one, you'll need it.
02 | Watch a movie in the cinema - there are two movies each night and they're a good way to fill in a couple of hours.
03 | Look around the souvenir shop, because souvenir shops are fun!
01 | Take advantage of the tourist info shop, there's plenty of pamphlets to more than likely get you all the way around Tassie, plus they sell National Park passes here, get one, you'll need it.
02 | Watch a movie in the cinema - there are two movies each night and they're a good way to fill in a couple of hours.
03 | Look around the souvenir shop, because souvenir shops are fun!
04 | Sit down and enjoy your mini-cruise! After all, if you've never been on a ship before it's an exciting experience, have a couple of drinks, watch the city lights as you depart, and relax for the evening.
I cannot wait to go back to Tasmania for another road trip, one of the best things I've done in my life so far. Have you been to Tassie before or been on the Spirit of Tasmania? If you have a post I'd love to see! Or if you've got any questions, go ahead and I'll do my best, I've got a couple of tips for the trip.
February 03, 2015
WANDERLIST | Travel Lust
Growing up, the most important thing I knew I wanted to do with my life was to see the world - it was the only thing I was sure of.
Hours upon hours were spent scrolling through other blessed peoples photographs on the internet or looking through magazines and newspapers, reading stories and tips, and lists of places, looking at others' 'bucket lists' - something I like to call a "life list" - then further researching into unknown places, which sometimes led to making it onto mine.
Over the last couple of years, more than likely since I spent 2 weeks in Africa, I've felt somewhat content - like going to Kenya and Uganda gave me the ability to focus on other things I want in life. I'd travelled, I'd seen places I had only imagined since I first discovered them with young eyes.
I've been able to turn my direction on wanting things closer to home, like setting my self up, I'm still nowhere near that but I've begun working my way to a career and I have instead been with the state of mind that owning a home is what I need before I travel, before anything major. So that I have somewhere to come back to that is mine.
Although the wonder never left, my heart isn't bursting with an ache to travel right now, but I have undeniably been feeling it come back over the last short while. It increasingly feels heavy whenever I envision the world or see the journeys taken by others. And I want to do it myself.
In saying this, I want to create a new collection of posts which encompass my life list of travelling or some kind of inspiration surrounding wanderlust, and share those places which I will one day be able to experience for my self and take photographs of which are my own.
I hope you enjoy them and please share in the comments your own stories, images, wanderlists or inspiration for travelling the world!
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